Friday, January 18, 2013


Drake Quotes                            

Welcome to our Drake Quotes page. 

"At the end of the day, I consider myself a black man because I'm more immersed in black culture than any other. Being Jewish is kind of a cool twist. It makes me unique."
– Drake

- Man they treat me like a legend am I really this cold, I’m really too young to be feeling this old.

- I
know they say that first love is the sweetest, but that first cut is the deepest.

- They always say the hottest love has the coldest end.

- Real men stay faithful. They don't have time to look for other women because they're too busy looking for new ways to love their own.

- I was born to make mistakes, not to fake perfection

- If you still carry her bags, open the door for her, tell her that she’s beautiful, and show her respect you’re a real man.

- Truth over fame, you know I respect the blatant sh-t. When I hear ‘em talkin’ I just don’t know what to make of it.

- I’m always left wishin’ that I could’ve done it in person, my apologies to all of the ones I was hurting’.

- Fall in love with someone who deserves your heart, not someone who plays with it.

- NO DON'T DO IT, PLEASE DON'T DO IT. Cuz one of us goes in, and we all go through it.

- No love for these bitches I said this year it's all business.

- May your neighbors respect you, Trouble neglect you, Angels protect you, and Heaven accept you.

- Don't let a bad day make you fell like you have a bad life.

- People will forget what you said people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel.

- Chances are if she was actin' up then i fucked her once and never fucked again.

- We live in a generation of not being in love and not being together but we sure make it feel like we're together, because we're scared to see each other with somebody else.

- My only wish is i die real cause that truth hurts and those lies heal.

- It's never too late to realize what is important in your life, and it is never wrong to fight for it.

- If a girl understands your bullshit, sticks around through all your mistakes and smiles even though you've done nothing for her, it's obvious she's keeper but it's also obvious you don't deserve her.

- People always think the most painful thing is losing the one you love. Truth is, the most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of love that your forget, how special you are.

- I'll never stop caring, but if you decide to push me away, i'll go.

- A boy makes his girl jealous of other woman. A gentleman makes other women jealous of his girl.

- I bet you would treat her different if u knew how much you actually mean to her.

- Trust is important but once a promise is broken Sorry means nothing.

- Yeah i'm smiling, but you're not the reason anymore.

- Better late than never, but never late is better, they tell me time is money, well we'll spend it together.

- No matter how busy a person's day may be, if they really care they'll always find time for you.

- People love us the way we are, and our enemies hate us for the very same reason.

- Don't say you miss me when it's your fault i'm gone.

- Before asking someone why they hate you, ask yourself  why you even really care.

- You won't understand someone else's pain until you're the one who feels it.

- What people think of you is not important, what you think of yourself means everything.

- Just remember that when nobody else was there for you, i was. and when nobody else gave a damn, i did.